Member Login Information

To login to your account, your username will be your first initial followed by your last name (e.g., John Smith, username: JSmith). Members with the same first initial and last name may have their usernames suffixed with a number (e.g., James Smith, username: JSmith1).

If you believe you may have the same first initial and last name of another member, or simply wish to confirm your username, click "Forgot password?" and you will be redirected to the "Member Password Reset" page. From here, click "Forgot Username?" You will be prompted to enter your member number and email address associated with your account. An email will be sent to the address you entered with the username information. This email may take several minutes to process. Please make sure to check your spam folder if you don't receive the message in your inbox.

IMPORTANT: Member numbers used on the website have a fixed length of seven (7) digits. For example, if your member number is 1234, you will need to enter "0001234". Spouses and dependents will be suffixed by an additional letter. For example, if your member number is 1234, your spouse will need to enter "0001234A".

When logging in for the first time, or if you are having trouble logging in, click "Forgot password?" and you will be prompted to enter your username and email address. An email will be sent to the address you entered with the password reset information. This email may take several minutes to process. Please make sure to check your spam folder if you don't receive the message in your inbox.

For additional assistance with the website, reach out to Matt ([email protected]) or
call us at 715-359-6161.


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